
Name: Abdulwahid Muhammad Salih

Birth date: 1973 – 1393 (Hijri)

Birth place : Sulaimany

Scholarship: primary, secondary and preparatory stages have been finished at Sulaimany governorate (Iraqi Kurdistan), and has got the top mark in high school final examinations in KRG.

He has been invited by Italy Government to study there. But due to the political corruptions he was deprived from that chance and others were sent instead of him.

Academic study:

He has graduated from the college and got his  Bachelor  degree in the college of  Medicine in Salahaddin University (1998).

He has got his PH.D  in  Medicine in Xartum University(Sudan) in 2005 and got the rank of  A+ in it.

Preaching and Calling for Islam:

In this domain he has lots of different activities, presenting hundreds of seminars and lectures, also issued tens of books and booklets as well as many pages and websites. The most significant ones are the following:

  • The serial(videoed) lectures about Heart.
  • The serial (videoed) lectures about Belief and Faith.
  • The Evidences of prophecy of Muhammad (peace be upon him)
  • The serial (videoed) lectures about Embryology.
  • The serial (videoed) lectures about Moses prophet (peace be upon him).
  • A book entitled The Evidences of prophecy of Muhammad (peace be upon him) which is of many volumes.
  • A book entitled Human Heart.

Dr. Abdulwahid’s Social Media:

(https://goo.gl/9PSn2E ) (Instagram)
(https:// https://goo.gl/KHKHWi) (telegram)
(httpshttps://goo.gl/9AxXz7) (face book)
(https://goo.gl/YGjftk ) (twitter)
(https://goo.gl/94Rr11 ) (you tube)
(https://goo.gl/zYUuov ) (Google +)
(https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=U8XZfrsAAAAJ&hl=en ) ( Google Scholar)

Member  of the institute of Preachers in Kurdistan , and the general supervisor of  Youth branch office of the institute.

The books and Activities of Dr. Abdulwahid

       The most important  activities in calling for Islam are in the following aspects:

Seminars: Dr. Abdulwahid has been busy with lecturing and calling for Islam since 1992in  different domains, holding hundreds of seminars in different times and various places in Kurdistan, till now he has recorded  more than 150 videoed lectures which have been published in social media.

Lectures: he has been presenting many different subjects, as well as tutoring some special lectures in religious aspects like  faith, belief, miracles and much more lectures on scientific and medical aspects of human being, he has pointed cleverly to the strong link between Islam and up-to-date inventions of science that luckily support Quran and the sayings of our prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him).

He deliberately focused on the miracles of prophetic issues , the most significant one is about the evidences of prophecy that includes more than  150  lessons recorded in both audio and video.

Writings :There are many short pieces of writing issued in his own page and website, or issued within books and booklets, in addition to tens of written papers including thousand pages, which are continuously increasing in number and are published after being revised.

Recorded  lectures: Any of the above mentioned products is recorded in audio type and published through social media and electronic means.

The owner and organizer of his own website and page , which are continuously been visited and checked by thousands of page-visitors.

Dr . Abdulwahid’s Medical Activities:

-He has got the Honour degree of (Mac Gowan) by the university of (Royal College of Surgeone ) a certificate that is awarded to only 17 doctors every year.

-He is a lecturer at the college of Medicine- at General Therapy department.

– Member of Syndicate of  Doctors of Kurdistan Region.

-Inventor and publisher of tens of researches in medicine which have been accepted universally and were agreed upon by great experts in the domain of Medicine. His medical studies have been uploaded and published in his special website Google scholar.

(https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=U8XZfrsAAAAJ&hl=en )

Dr . Abdulwahid’s Website:

The objective behind this, is to have an official website by doctor Abdulwahid himself , and to be a means for collecting and presenting all his ideas in both religion and medicine and their connection, much of which can be found in the below website  (http://drabdulwahid.com/)

(The website is of two basic branches; preaching (calling for Islam):

A.The most significant parts of the branch of  preaching are the following:

Short Sermons: in this section some of his videoed masterpieces have been uploaded to the website, having provided the chance to down load their abstract in pdf  files.

Audio: here are the seminars and lectures have been presented all in audio type, having provided the chance to down load their abstract in pdf  files.

Video: in this section all the videoed lectures and seminars are stated, having provided the chance to down load their abstract in pdf  files.

Qs and As about Islamic Shari’a: This section is devoted to Answering the most important questions  by the visitors of the website, as usual the questions are handed to a special committee and they  regularly text them back  for each question.

Renouncing the doubts about Islam: Here many doubts about Islamic Shari’a and muslims have repudiated and answered. In this section there is room for Didat Group to publish their activities about such doubts.

Written subjects: here all his admonishing activities as a preacher have been issued and published